Do you feel like you’re juggling life, and you are worried that all of those balls are going to fall?
Running a business, a household, and caring for aging parents has its challenges, and I learned quickly that all those things that I used to hold in my brain, were quickly becoming a source of overwhelm. Stress started building as I remembered that I forgot to call the doctor before closing time, or to call the utility company to schedule a service call, or that I have business to attend to the same day mom has an MRI scheduled… days, times and tasks started running together….and keeping track of everything became yet another stressor.
Can you relate?
I was totally stressed, but quickly realized that I could wallow in overwhelm, or get organized. I opted for organization.
I didn’t wait for the next January 1 to get started, I started that day and made a list of the primary areas of my life that were getting away from me:
– business
– personal
– mom and dad
Next I made a dot grid journal with a dated planner, and began recording all of the upcoming to dos, appointments, notes, reminders, etc. for each.
I found that color coding worked well, to keep the three areas separate, easy to identify, and also saved me from having to write the “category” again and again.
I also learned that keeping my favorite pens and journal/planner together in one place relieves me from the added stress of having to “go find a pen that works.”
So while life hasn’t gotten any less busy, it has gotten more organized, and I am definitely more peace filled as a result.
If you are ready to get going on your own more-organized and peace-filled life, you’ll need a notebook or planner, some colored pens and a favorite writing pen.
If you would like to use the same tools I use, you can get them by clicking on the following links: